After bringing home gently used toys for Jack on Craigslist, I discovered that the plastic balls for some of the toys were missing. I searched online for replacements - I looked on Fisher Price's site, as well Playskool. Both sites basically required the purchase of a new toy including the plastic balls. No replacement sets - why? I then scoured They did have a set of 4, but for $19.00?!? I didn't even pay that much for the toy...
Why are you eluding me, cheap plastic balls?
Next, I tried bidding on a set on eBay. Had I won (and of course, I lost by 5o cents. That is how it always happens!!), I would have been the proud owner of 5 plastic balls...for the (still ridiculously high) price of $12.00. The shipping would have been free. Woo. Still too expensive for this bargain shopper!
My favorite thing to do!
Since I didn't win, I got creative. I ended up at Kmart today while waiting for a car repair (hey, touring Kmart is better than sitting at the car place!) and found exactly what I need. I spent $2.19 and now have 12 little balls for Jack to use in any of the new toys we bought. Practice balls - originally for golf - ended up fitting the bill. And for so much less!! Hooray for saving money in creative ways!!
Besides the fabulous price, the best part is that Jack loves his new toys. They're big enough that he can't put them in his mouth, yet small enough to fit into the playsets. Perfect!
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